* Boycott Facebook!
* Close your eyes to fashion blogs!
* Destroy Twitter!
* Don't set your standards to "reality TV" look out the F:ing WINDOW!!!


Pictures and events of stuff!
Standard is set to pipboy2002.digitalbalans.com, but you can use other irc-servers as well!
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Do you want a place on this board? Show your skills or announce a project of any sort? We provide free web space and services for serious projects of any IT/ebusiness and open source types, even just potential ideas or fiction. Find your project partners here today and be productive. We do this for the creativity. Take the first step to do something big or small…


Operator of this board...

handle: cpunk

mail: cpunk(a)digitalbalans.com

irc: cpunk@ircnet

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60 GB Public FTP, free use for all ;)

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Notice: This page uses JAVA, if your browser does not support it, some featues will not activate.

Please take a moment to read this:

Companies and Sponsors of anykind READ the following:

* Companies and other work related issues in contact with me is advised to explore the NEWS and PROJECT sections of this web-server as meriting evidence of my upcoming coming jobs or projects. Be aware that everything is kept up to date here and projects of any kind is taken in effect all the time. So take your time at least once a week to be well informed. Thank you.

* Free user accounts for testing current services on our servers is to be send by e-mail as a notice to me(cpunk) and a temporary account are to be created for you to explore with. Company Address, workers name and phone nr is fact enough to be sent by e-mail.

Law info:

This site contains a lot of pieces from media and sources like TV-programs or demo applications. If anything on this network contains anything that would make it illegal, E-mail me with complaints instead of threats. Since I provide upload sections on my network I can't always be at 100% sure everything is legal, the attempt to upload something illegal on this network is an act of the user and she/he can be traced by logs from the servers. Legal notices are followed as ruled. (With disgust).

BE AWARE! The Material you will encounter on this network is either open source or free to use. Project from other makers are labelled. If you encounter material you created or some other needs credits for, please contact me. Every bits and pieces are NOT copyright material that's made by members on this web-server, we engage in public related free services/open source and software solutions. Graphics material and other kinds of media created by my self or users are just "water marked". Information captured from this site is by all means free of use for you own needs and are encouraged to be distributed. But putting your own name or company logo on this solution/product or project are to be taken by legal methods.


This network is linked to external computers using different Operating Systems for the best experience of safety and services my wallet and sources allows. The latest Antivirus and Security programs are always active to ensure safety for me, members and other users.

Besides no user with common sense would try to destroy a free service with free data? Right?

Unfortunately my connection isn't very high speed, so only members get full access threads for services like TS, VNC, FTP and SSH from the main servers, other free services that I can provide as IRC (on local and external networks), FTP and SSH are taken in turns of recently connected users, no turn engines are present so it's first to "shotgun".

I hope my services will help you...

No Copyright 2002-2014 pipboy2002.digitalbalans.com