to come on this board:
* GIF tunnels to support the services
provided on other server outside for greater speed
and access.
* Web comic of me and my mentally disturbed friends.
* A log bot that reports the activity and subjects on the irc channels (in the purpose of almost work like a forum, allot of user don't understand the wide opportunities with irc channels).
* Changing this webpage to Wordpress.
Haven't had time to focuse anything on this webpage, but allot of projects and work related installations has been done. The video section is only the youtube channel now so everyone can view my videos faster. More to come...
Today me and my group at school made a presentation of our groupwork for the VGR (Western Götaland Community). The purpose of the presentation was to show our idea of a new kind of booking portal for getting appointments at hospitals, generally for X-rays. It's a swedish system, so SWE only, sorry ;)
We hope that the solution is something to design in the future, the people from VGR was very impressed by the idea. I hope to have some more business with them in the future. Check the progress here.
Fixed a big ass album on the events, so now you can check all the pics with thumbnails and comment them! But be aware there's probably allot to comment =p
* Fixed a guestbook!
* Currently setting up a log/megahal-bot called MAX to announce information from the channels and be apart of discussions. It wont be intelligent discussion with this bot, but still it's fun ;)
* Movies are updated with YouTube links and other file types for you guys to view. Only the most popular or my favorites are to be stored that way in the future. Other movies or clips will be stored in the MISC folder...
Haven't wrote any news or a while because of the following;
* I have joined the "computer club" at my school, which means that this "board" of mine is now in some cooperation with that club. I'm now in charge of the drifting/operating/maintenance over there so most of the resources will more or less point in that direction. is still a project site and I will sponsor people with disk space and so on, if it's serious enough that is ;) To get more information about the computer club check out SKIP
* I've also joined a certification course in IBM mainframe operating primarily iSeries machines using RPG and so on, hopefully I'll be working within IBM at the end of my graduation. The plan is to set up our very own science park with hardcore mainframe systems in the center of the Lindholmen campus in Gothenburg, sweet plan huh? Just a dream? Maybe, but we have some machines already and IBM certified companies have taken a strong interest in our work ;) Hopefully we will be starting to work with it for real this summer.
* Because of a "man in the middle attack" like almost a year back now, I've rebuild an old Macintosh G4 Saw tooth machine and which is now running the board. Real cool computer to run *nix and OSX stuff without being concerned with patches etc. It's now fully automated with image backups with carbon copy cloner, it has alert functions that screams(literally, it screams in audio) at me when something strange is happening, 2 operating disks that are synced once a week so i can restore from the previous week, a 80 GB free share disk for my brothers and sisters over the net ;) and finally it's behind a HW firewall and has it's own SOFT firewall(ip-tables etc). Pretty secure and more controlled that than the previous one which was only a laptop running an old FBSD release. But in which case it wasn't the case here, the little cracker got hold of one of my password and masked my MAC address in some way. Cool crack anyway. You can read more about that in the banlist.
That's about it for now, I'll be posting some news more often from now on ;)
Pulk Fiction is now known as a “Heil-Snigel” show material, so the old and new upcoming episodes of the Xtreme winter slay sports series will be found on the Heil-Snigel webpage.
Now i got faster broadband, 8 Mbit / 1 Mbit, more services and quotas are to be optimized from now on. Heil-Snigel is getting online soon, the well known documentaries that used to be shared from this site is getting online also, as soon as i get confirmation that it's all legal to share them (copy write wise) the information they carry was banned from at least one location.
Some irc channels is active at the moment. We have the #Systemvetare which is a school irc-channel for the guys who studies object oriented systems and programming, the #ShorinjiKempo channel for our members at to chat on and the #Heil-Snigel humor show channel. If you still don't get how to access the irc-server read the following;
Port: 6667 (doesn't need to be entered in
most clients)
Channels: (standard channel) ,
#Systemvetare (the school channel) , #ShorinjiKempo (the martial arts
channel) , #Heil-Snigel (the humor show channel)
If you are a complete n00b just use the irc java-client on this page and type /join #thechannelnameyouwanttovisit .
new online humor show had it's first test-day recently, and is
active on our new homepage. Check it out! -->
IRC-client up and running. Using pjirc java client. Very powerful and effective code, I recommend it for most purposes like online support channels and such. The client is set to connect to my own experimental irc-server but you are free to use it for other servers as well. The client respond to standard irc-commands and is free to use. Be aware that a local host is in use, not's host.
A convent much like "cebit" is to be arranged either in Gothenburg or Stockholm in August this year (2005) or January -> February next year, depending on our chances with the sponsoring companies. As of now the negotiations are pending as I type this notice of it. The point of all this is to make a huge LAN-party, scenes with artists, entertaining and of course a big business hall for all people to explore their products. Some new implementations are to be in motion as well, such as; job applications and contacts with some companies who is in search for good technical people. Other stuff as "party cards" that makes the person who buy them VIP to most events like, cheaper stay at hotels, access to local parties in the city with some other features like cheap drinks etc and of course company sponsorships and things like t-shirts and lottery products like hardware and computers. A big event indeed so people that have interests in this project are welcome to "work" like groupies, salary aren't negotiated yet but complete set of well being on this event are planed, you get free hostel, food, clothes, gizmos etc for your engagement in this activity.