Success factors in the process of establishing a TechCenter - ENGLISH

What is the success factors when establishing a TechCenter? This thesis describes the possible success factors when establishing a TechCenter within a IT-University in Göteborg, Sweden. This thesis also describes a possible definition of what a TechCenter is, its purpose as a department in an organization and introduces the term TechCenter as a neologism. The success factors are established through analysis of a number of interviews and also through the use of questionnaires. The empirical data are gathered from people important to the TechCenter project at the IT-University in Göteborg, including the faculty, academic initiatives from private corporations and staff from organizations similar to the TechCenter project. This thesis can also be used as inspiration to other universities planning to create a TechCenter.


Framgångsfaktorer i skapandet av ett TechCenter - ENGELSKA

Vad är framgångsfaktorerna när man etablerar ett TechCenter? Detta examensarbete beskriver möjliga framgångsfaktorer när man etablerat ett TechCenter inom ett IT-Universitet i Göteborg, Sverige. Detta examensarbete besrkiver också den möjliga definitionen av vad ett TechCenter är för något, vilket syfte den har som avdelning i en organisation och att presentera termen som en neologism. Framgångsfaktorerna etableras utifrån analys av antal intervjuer men även genom frågeformulär. Den empiriska datan är insammlad från människor som är viktiga för TechCenter projektet på IT-Universitetet i Göteborg, inklusive faculteten, den akademiska innovationen från privata organisationer och personalen från organisationer med liknande TechCenter projekt. Detta examensarbete kan användas som inspiration för andra universiteters planer att skapa ett TechCenter.


VRbook 1.0 - ENGLISH

What is a VRbook? VRbook is a solution for all kinds of users that reads a book of any kind. The point is to make a produkt that's so easy to use and makes it more profitable to have than a set of ordinary books. By having such a large scale of users a new industry may be introduced, pedagogic self learning books for the mentally handicapped for example. With this new product animation and sound will become a standard for people with disabilities like; sight-, hearing- or understanding problems. By following the traditionel book form even the simplest kind of use is now possible.


VRbook 1.0 - ENGELSKA

Vad är en VRbook? VRbook:en är en lösning för alla slags användare som läser en bok av alla dess slag. Poängen är att göra en produkt så lätt använd att det även gör det lönsamt att äga den istället för vanliga böcker. Genom att ha en så stor intressegrupp så kommer en helt ny marknad att öppnas upp, pedagogiskt självlärande format för mentalt handikappade t ex. Med denna nya produkt så kommer animation och ljud skapa en ny standard för folk med avikelser som; syn-, hörselproblem eller kunskapshämmande sjukdommar. Genom den helt traditionella användningen av en bok.

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Can SOA solve a bloating University VPC-Farm? - ENGLISH

A case study at Centrum För Affärssystem, Gothenburg University, Sweden.


Kan SOA lösa en förvuxen Universitet VPC-Farm? - ENGELSKA

ng new about this
idea except for the custom made desktop environments and choice o En fältstudie för Centrum För Affärssystem, Göteborgs Universitet, Sverige

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”The Archive” a Remote Desktop and File Archive, Server Cluster - ENGLISH

The Archive is a Desktop On Demand Ssystem, which means that users for any reason may need a mobile or outsourced system to access on a clustered central server. There's nothing new about this
idea except for the custom made desktop environments and choice of operating systems. User of any kind of profession can connect to this virtual environment and work with almost anything, using the servers powers. The client machines using this system can be anything, from mobile devices or to just a old beaten up computer with a modem, it doesn't matter because the power lies within the servers hardware. The only need is a good stable internet connection.


”The Archive” a Remote Desktop and File Archive, Server Cluster - ENGELSKA

The Archive is a Desktop On Demand Ssystem, which means that users for any reason may need a mobile or outsourced system to access on a clustered central server. There's nothing new about this
idea except for the custom made desktop environments and choice of operating systems. User of any kind of profession can connect to this virtual environment and work with almost anything, using the servers powers. The client machines using this system can be anything, from mobile devices or to just a old beaten up computer with a modem, it doesn't matter because the power lies within the servers hardware. The only need is a good stable internet connection.

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Complexed Systems And Forced Random Design - ENGLISH

In this paper we'll discuss what a "Complex System" is, and how it provoke a hypothesis i like to call "forced random design".


Complexed Systems And Forced Random Design - ENGELSKA

In this paper we'll discuss what a "Complex System" is, and how it provoke a hypothesis i like to call "forced random design".

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From the office to the whole sociaty - SWEDISH

Varför blev informationsteknologin så primärt som den är idag, var det mest för produktivitetens skull eller var det främst trenden som gjorde det så stort? För det var inte förens ”Internet” kom till som det gjorde det möjligt för människor att kommunicera helt fritt, och då måste ju alla anpassa sig?


Från kontoret till hela samhället - SVENSKA

Varför blev informationsteknologin så primärt som den är idag, var det mest för produktivitetens skull eller var det främst trenden som gjorde det så stort? För det var inte förens ”Internet” kom till som det gjorde det möjligt för människor att kommunicera helt fritt, och då måste ju alla anpassa sig?

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Interactive Teaching of Business Systems

In this article we will come to terms of how to best inform our students about Business Systems construct, in which they need to understand their position within the use of that system, how it's formed, what it is and which systems are direct or indirect bound to the same system. How do we teach someone that's focused in business and doesn't understand IT-technology as a developer or administrator, and still this person needs to understand how to manipulate data and set up databases, courses that are not that common in business schools today. How do we “roadmap” so that the user of this course understand the connections? How do we interact with students to take charge in the way of the designer and support person at once?



Interactive Teaching of Business Systems

In this article we will come to terms of how to best inform our students about Business Systems construct, in which they need to understand their position within the use of that system, how it's formed, what it is and which systems are direct or indirect bound to the same system. How do we teach someone that's focused in business and doesn't understand IT-technology as a developer or administrator, and still this person needs to understand how to manipulate data and set up databases, courses that are not that common in business schools today. How do we “roadmap” so that the user of this course understand the connections? How do we interact with students to take charge in the way of the designer and support person at once?

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